Eco- Schools Food Waste and Recycling Project presented in School Assembly by the Eco Committee
Dear Parent/ Carer,
On Thursday 6th February the Eco Committee presented a Food Waste and Recycling Eco- Schools Project to everyone in our school.
At present, in the Dining Hall, daily, there are three bins full of food and items from the pupils’ Packed Lunches and 12-15 kg of food from School Dinners.
The Eco Committee suggested to everyone during our School Assembly, a few different ideas on how as a whole school, we could try to improve and try to help reduce the the waste of food and rubbish being placed in the Dining Hall bins at lunchtime.
Starting on Monday 10th February, the Eco Committee have suggested to reduce and improve Food Waste and Recycling by trying the following suggestions:-
1 Take home all food and items home in your Packed Lunch Bag.
2 Tell your parent/ Carer, if you have too much to eat.
3 Select the correct Dinner Menu Choice A or B
4 Be creative and upcycle or make a craft item from your yoghurt pots in your packed lunch bag.
5 Put small food items not in plastic bags, but in reusable small tubs/ containers.
The Eco Committee look forward to the school participating in our Eco- Schools Food Waste and Recycling Project over the next few weeks.
Thank you to the boys and girls in the Eco Committee for creating their Food Waste Posters at the Eco Committee meeting on Wednesday 5th February and for their interest in this Eco- Schools Food and Waste Survey and Project.
With thanks in advance for your continuing interest and support with our Green Flag Eco- Schools Projects.
Many thanks,
Mrs Murphy.
Eco- Schools Leader.