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Eco- Schools Food Waste and Recycling Project

20th Feb 2025
Dear Parent/ Carer, The Eco Committee presented a Food Waste and Recycling Project to everyone at our Whole School Assembly recently and information was also placed on the School App and School Website earlier this month. Food Waste and recycling posters created by the Eco Committee are placed around our school. This project started on Monday 10th February.   The Eco Committee have suggested to reduce and improve Food Waste and Recycling this term by trying the following suggestions:-    1 Take home all food and items in your Packed Lunch Bags. 2 Tell your Parent/ Carer, if you have too much to eat. 3 Be creative and upcycle or make a craft item from your yoghurt pots in your packed lunch bag. 4 Put small food items not in plastic bags but in reusable tubs/ containers.   The Eco Committee members have the responsibility of looking for ways to improve and enhance the environment of the school. They are also willing to listen to ideas from their peers and others within the school community. Therefore, taking on board some suggestions from parents and pupils during the Project this week, the following will also be provided in the Dining Hall:-    If any liquid is left in pots, to avoid any spillage/ or leaking from lunch bags, the bin at the kitchen hatch can be used for any yoghurt/ jelly pots.   It was great today to see the small amount of Waste from Packed Lunch Bags, in the Dining Hall Bins. Before the Project, daily three bins were full, but today, less than half a bin!  Food Waste from School Dinners has reduced too in the Kitchen Food Bin.    Please also remind your child that the School Dining Hall floor should also be kept clean and tidy during lunchtime, as we are a Green Flag Eco- School.    The Eco Committee look forward to continuing to work with the school community by showing an awareness and a responsibility of caring for our environmental, and sustainable issues in our school and Global World.    With thanks for your interest and support with our Green Flag Eco- Schools Projects. Many thanks, Mrs Murphy. Eco- Schools Leader.