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Ballymoney Model integrated Primary School, Ballymoney



Within school we have a large number of policies which we have listed below.  Please contact the school office if you would like a copy of any of the noted policies.


Medical Information
  • Administration of Medication for Complex Medical Needs in School Policy
  • Management of Anaphylaxis
  • Management of Asthma
  • Guidance on infection control in schools - November 2022
  • Form AM2


Child Centred
  • Active Travel Policy
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Effective and Efficient Use of Classroom Assistants
  • E-Safety Agreement
  • E-Safety Policy
  • First-Aid Policy
  • Healthy Food for Healthy Outcomes - Food in Schools Policy
  • DE and HSC Guidance - Healthy Breaks for Schools Leaflet
  • Intimate Care Policy
  • Pastoral Care Policy
  • Positive Behaviour Policy
  • Addendum of Positive Behaviour Policy - September 2021 
  • Pupil Attendance Policy
  • DE Attendance Matters Leaflet
  • Circular 2021/16 - Attendance guidance and absence recording in schools
  • Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
  • Addendum to Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - Covid-19 Arrangements for Safeguarding and Child Protection
  • Safe, Healthy and Effective Use Policy for the Internet and Digital Technologies
  • School Uniform Policy
  • SEN and Inclusion Policy
  • SEN EA Parental Guides - June 2021
  • SEN EA Parental Guidance on the SEN Stages - June 2021


Learning and Teaching
  • Remote Learning Policy
  • Remote Learning Overview - September 2021
  • Curriculum Policy
  • Learning and Teaching Policy
  • Assessment Policy
  • Marking for Improvement Policy
  • Homework Policy
  • Joint Language and Literacy and Mathematics and Numeracy Policy
  • Calculation Policy
  • Using ICT Policy
  • World Around Us Policy
  • The Arts - Drama Policy 
  • Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU) Policy
  • RE Policy
  • Physical Education Policy (Physical Development and Movement with the Foundation Stage)


Leadership and Management
  • Admissions Criteria - September 2023
  • Code of Conduct in relation to Social Media
  • Code of Conduct for Parents, Carers, Visitors
  • Code of Conduct for Staff
  • Complaints Procedure
  • Confidentiality Policy
  • Covid-19 - Guidance and Declaration for Visitors
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Data Protection Statement
  • EA Raising Concerns at Work (Whistleblowing Policy)
  • EA Managing Attendance Policy and Procedures - EA Support Staff
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Managing a Critical Incident Policy
  • Mobile Phone Policy
  • Privacy Notice for Pupils and Parents/Families/Carers/Legal Guardians Regarding Use of Personal Information in Educational Settings 
  • Teacher Attendance Procedure - TNC 2008/2
  • Website Privacy Notice
  • DE Circulars
  • 2011/04 Guidance to Schools on School Uniform Policy
  • 2023/02 Parental Responsibility:Updated Guidance for Schools Date of Issue - 13th February 2023
  • 2023/03 Revised Personal Education Plan Guidance for Children Looked After - 17th February 2023