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School Council


Why do we have a School Council?

A School Council is a formal group of pupils within a school who are elected by their peers to represent them and their views.

The effective use of our School Council reflects the inclusive ethos of Ballymoney Model Integrated Primary School.

Our School Council provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them.

Ballymoney Model Integrated Primary School has an excellent group of School Councillors who help make certain decisions in the school. Miss Hemphill leads our School Council and the School Council meet once a month.


Miss Hemphill
Miss Hemphill

Year 1 Teacher


Our School Council Awards


Our School Council


School Council Mission Statement

To make our school a better place for everyone by listening to your ideas and helping to make them happen. We promise to treat everyone in the school equally and will involve the voice of everyone when making decisions. We aim to make positive decisions to improve the school in all areas.

Role Statement

As a team the School Council will work together  to be the voice of their peers. They will seen as role models in all that they do and encourage others to do the same.

The School Council attends monthly meetings and reports back to their peers. It expects all members to come to its meetings and contribute to its activities.

Pupils from Year 4-7 are eligible to be on School Council, with 2 representatives from each class.


As a School Councillor, your responsibilities include:

  • being an excellent representative of the school
  • being a role model to others pupils 
  • wearing your School Council badge
  • looking for ways to improve our school
  • being willing and open to listen to ideas from peers and communicate back to the full School Council at monthly meetings
  • reporting back to your class after meetings, carrying out any further actions required
  • contributing to School Council assemblies

Children oversee these responsilbilites, and come together once a month to meet and discuss, ideas and suggestions within our school.


We are a Rights Respecting School

On Friday the 17th September, Miss Hemphill and the members of the School Council had a very exciting morning. Following all the work carried out by the teachers, classroom assisstants an pupils wintin our school we have been awared our Rights Respecting School Silver Accrediation. A fantastic achievement for our school

As a Rights Respecting School our first task of the year is to create our Classroom Charters for a happy classroom. These focus on the rights and responsibilities for every child in our school. Article 3 in the UNCRC states that the best interests of the child must be a priority in all decisions that affect the child. Have a look at our creative Class Charters for happy, safe and productive classrooms at Ballymoney Model Integrated Primary School.


News Updates

School Council January Meeting
School Council January Meeting
29th Jan 2025
At our School Council January meeting we discussed Healthy Breaks. Our discussion led to the idea of creating posters to promote Healthy Breaks. As a Rights Respecting School we recognise our right to healthy food. We worked in pairs to design posters on iPads. We should bring a healthy break to school Monday to Thursday and Friday is a treat day with 1 small treat. Keep an eye out around school for...

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