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Pupil Leadership Roles


Pupil Leadership Roles

At Ballymoney Model Intregrated Primary School , we believe that pupils need to be at the centre of their learning and should have an important voice within their school. Pupils are given opportunites to have an input into decisions and make suggestions to improve their school, as well as being more aware of the wider community.

Leadership is integral to lifelong learning. All students should have the opportunity to demonstrate and develop leadership skills. 


Ballymoney Model Integrated Primary School leaders model high expectations when we:

  • model positive behaviour to other students
  • behave in a safe and responsible manner
  • respect ourselves, other members of the school communtiy and the school environment
  • activley participate in all school activites
  • not disrupt the learning of others and make the most of our educational opportunites
  • wear full uniform and leadership badge to school each day
  • model when wearing the school uniform in the community
  • are ready to learn (being on time to class and meetings)
  • take care of school equipment
  • take pride in our work
  • demonstrate school pride
  • be accountable for behaviours shown whist in school uniform.