WAU Thematic Topic:- “Shine a Light.” 4JM Term 2A
21st Jan 2025
Year 4 have enjoyed the start of their new Term 2 WAU Thematic Topic, “Shine a Light,” by drawing illuminated Night time Fireworks pictures, to start the New Year 2025. The boys and girls in Mrs Murphy’s class have also been reading, sharing stories and predicting about which country is the story from, China, Japan, Asia, or South America? Such great expression and dialogue from the group of boys and girls who read to all the class Play script, “Yeh, Shen!”Great interest by everyone in 4JM, to find out about the Animal Zodiac for this Chinese New Year 2025.
We look forward to sharing more information and highlights about our new Topic in Year 4 this term 2A.
Many thanks,
Mrs Murphy.
Head of KS1.
& WAU Leader.