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Ballymoney Model integrated Primary School, Ballymoney

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Eco Committee Harvest of cabbage and broad beans ready to taste! Term 1A.
Eco Committee Harvest of cabbage and broad beans ready to taste! Term 1A.
15th Oct 2024
The Eco Committee harvested the cabbages and broad beans grown in our school garden this term. The School Harvest produce was on Display in the School Foyer, before the cabbages were all cut and prepared, ready for tasting and eating by pupils, and staff. Thanks is also extended to the School Secretary and Non - Teaching staff / students, for helping with the cabbage preparations  ready to take...
Eco Committee Harvesting Cabbages in our School Garden
Eco Committee Harvesting Cabbages in our School Garden
15th Oct 2024
The Eco Committee during this term have been busy in our School Garden. There was great surprise and excitement when the boys and girls in the Eco Committee observed the huge cabbages, which had been growing since planted last term.  A huge thank you also to our Principal, Mrs Jamison, Buildings Supervisor, Mr Johnston and School Secretary Mrs Arlow and all Teaching and Non Teaching Staff members,...
Eco Committee Wednesday 16th October 2024
Eco Committee Wednesday 16th October 2024
15th Oct 2024
The newly elected Eco Committee have their first meeting altogether tomorrow at 2pm in school. Eco Committee members should bring a change of outdoor footwear,  wellingtons or old trainers/ boots and a coat for outdoor gardening, weather permitting. 
Skittle Rainbow
Skittle Rainbow
15th Oct 2024
Year 2 had lots of fun last week making a skittle rainbow. Pupils arranged the skittles in a circle and then added water to dissolve the sugar and food colouring, creating their very own rainbow. After Primary 2 created their rainbow, they came up with a set of instructions to allow others to have fun making a skittle rainbow too.
3ABCD and S & L Maths Week
3ABCD and S & L Maths Week
15th Oct 2024
Mrs Boreland and Mrs Duggan's class joined with the Year 3 children from Mrs Mack's Class today. They completed lots of different activities to develop their addition and subtraction skills. They enjoyed competing for treasure using Blooket as well as various dice calculation activities.  
Year 2RS made a Skittles Rainbow
Year 2RS made a Skittles Rainbow
14th Oct 2024
Year 2 had lots of fun last week. As a class we made a piece of instructional writing on how to make a skittles rainbow. We remembered to include bossy verbs, time connectives and numbered steps. We also worked very hard to include full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. After our piece of writing was completed, we were able to use our instructions to make our own skittles rainbow.